Web Design

24 Things to Consider Before Designing and Developing a Website

A simple question for all our internet users, what is a website? It is a single domain that contains different web pages. We should all focus on different things before we make a website.

Things You Should Consider Before You Make a Website

1-Domain — Decide a name that people can keep in mind easily and choose intelligently whatever you choose .com, .net, and others.

2- Hosting — choose a trustworthy one and observe how much ability you wish

3- Technology — which technology you are going to use HTHL, CMSS3, JAVASCRIPT and others

4-Purposes — must know about the purpose of making a website — corporate, e-commerce, business and others.

5-Layout & colours — Colour brings a new look to your site. Neat and clean layout is always preferred by visitors. Don’t fail to remember about the footer too.

6-Site Map – Clear the sitemap and flowchart from the website.

7- Content – Your website should provide informative content to the users. Aim certain keywords to get high rank in the search engine pages.

8-Audiences — you should know who your audiences are, then you can create content that appeal them.

9-Advertisement — don’t put unnecessary advertisements on your website. If you feel necessary, then put here.

10-Pop up Messages — Stop pop up messages! It is one of the most annoying types of advertisement because of slow loading and sometime you can’t close it.

11-Attractive Website — a website should be simple and yet specialized

12-Buttons — Create an attractive buttons and use colours like orange or yellow

13-Background — you should go for a fresh, colourful and beautiful background

14-Image — Go for an amazing image combination so that it create long lasting impression for all

15-Easy Navigation — User should easily get your website

16- Unique — there are so many great websites out there, so your website should stand out from the crowd

17- Update — Keep your website well informed so that visitors visit regularly to your website

18-Optimized — your website should be user-friendly and easy to find in search engine results

19- Cross Browser — your website should be able to viewed properly in all kinds of modern browser

20- Social Media — add social media to facilitate easy content sharing

21- Typography — Choose font carefully as you don’t want your readers to narrow their eyes when reading your text

22-Analytics — you can analyse and optimize your website

23- Provide security — Visitor should feel safe when they leave their information on your website, especially when they give their contacts and credit card details

24-Footer — Footer may not be the main thing in a website, but with a well-designed footer you can impress visitors

Definitely, you will wish to check out our services page. Let us assist you to develop a valuable website designing for your commerce, modified to your possible design.

Sonu Singh

Sonu Singh is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert at 4SEOHELP. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Web Hosting, Affiliate Marketing etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people, developers, designers, and bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.

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